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Sector Edge

Analytics platform for the do-it-yourself investor
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Sector Edge project image


  • Industry


  • Provided services

    Frontend & Backend development, Business Analysis, Project Management, DevOps, UI/UX design, Data Engineering

  • Type of the project

    Web platform

  • Duration

    In progress since May 2020

About the project

The product is a web-based platform designed for do-it-yourself investors that provides them with a convenient functionality to monitor stock market changes and insights, spot trading and investment opportunities, and read insights from industry experts. The main requirement was to rebuild and redesign the existing platform for internal users that lacked key tools for the efficient performance of financial operations and transform an outdated informational website for external users so that the client could attract large streams of users and convert them into loyal ones with a modern and user-friendly product.

In the course of the product development, we managed to transform a platform developed with an outdated, for that time, technology stack. We also implemented a robust mechanism for retrieval of raw financial data, containing millions of records for the past decades from third-party data providers, its processing, and uploading to the database, and configured its continuous update. The capabilities of Scala were used to organize data storage properly and avoid data duplicates.

 As a result, we helped the client turn a poorly performing solution into a feature-rich product that allows its users to manage investments conveniently, keep up with industry news, watch webinars and enroll in courses, manage personal events, in a convenient way since all the necessary tools are located in a centralized place.


  • — Frontend
  • — Backend
  • Vue.js
  • PHP
  • Laravel
  • MySQL
  • Scala
  • Play Framework
  • Slick
  • Spark
  • Akka
  • Swagger
  • Docker
  • Git
  • Amazon RDS
  • Amazon ECS
  • AWS CodeBuild
  • Amazon Route 53

Key features

1 Robust dashboard
2 Model portfolios
3 Event management
4 Course enrollment and management
5 Live webinars
6 Integration with data providers
7 Integration with Intrinio
8 Notifications
9 Data visualization
Sector Edge project screenshot 1
Sector Edge project screenshot 2
Sector Edge project screenshot 3
Sector Edge project screenshot 4
Sector Edge project screenshot 5

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